Utah Technology Magazine


Passion about all things tech and the entertainment arts. Then came...

Utah Technology Magazine was founded in 2013 by a Bay Area native. Being from the Bay Area and being involved with tech and the entertainment arts was the reason for Utah Technology Magazine. After the radio station was sold, a talk show host found herself without a platform. Noticing some new trends about tech companies eyeing Utah she decided the story should be told. 

In 2013 while covering the Sundance Film Festival, Utah Technology Magazine made contacts that wanted extra coverage outside the media technology platform and the state of Utah. The following year Indie Entertainment Magazine was launched under the direction of B Team Media Group.

Utah Technology Magazine

Evolutionary Timeline

2013 -2016

Technology of the Wasatch Front

Utah and Park City 's Sundance

Utah's Film Commision


Indie Entertainment Magazine™

Telling the storytellers stories


Indie Entertainment (News) Magazine™

i Entertainment News™



Indie Entertainment Magazine™

Indie Entertainment Magazine™ - You Tube

Indie Entertainment Podcast

coming soon....

Utah Technology Magazine 2.0